P.T.S.D. Awareness Month

Have you ever been so scared that you could not yell for help?  

I did not believe that was possible until it happened to me.  I was a teenager when my old flat-bottomed boat spun out of control, hit a log jutting into a raging rapid, and flipped me underwater.  It happened so fast that my mouth and eyes were still open.  My head was three feet underwater. I grabbed the log, pulled myself up, and took a deep breath.  I tried very hard to scream, but no sound could get past the knot in my throat. It took 10 minutes before my voice came back, and some fishermen heard me yell for help. After being rescued, I was fearful of boating for many months.  In short, I had PTSD.

For the months of June and July, Murrell Counseling Service LLC is offering a 20% discount for the first four sessions for new clients to introduce them to therapy. This will include a free screening for Anxiety and PTSD as well as a 15-minute free chat to get a feel for what it would be like for us to work together. Having a good rapport between a psychologist and a new client is critical for success in therapy. Why not give us a call at 417-881-1580. You have nothing to lose but your emotional pain!

Even everyday events can result in PTSD.

According to the National Center for PTSD, about 5% of adults at any given time may be suffering from PTSD.  It can result from such things as the death of a loved one, divorce, witnessing violence, a motor vehicle accident, a housefire, or being threatened. Certainly, combat soldiers and first responders are more seriously at risk.

What are the most common symptoms of PTSD?

The National Institute of Mental Health lists the following symptoms: being constantly on guard, easily startled, sleep difficulties, increased irritability, poor concentration, and symptoms lasting more than one month.

Contact the National Center for PTSD at https://www.ptsd.va.gov for more information.  There you can download the PCL-5 screening test for PTSD to do a self-assessment.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans that suffer from PTSD never get treatment.  Please don't be one of those people.  You have nothing to lose but your emotional pain.


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